Photos of Merrill Gardens at Columbia in Columbia, South Carolina.

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Explore Photos of Our Community

Take a tour of Merrill Gardens at Columbia through our online photo gallery. With gorgeous grounds and classic architecture, our beautiful community reflects the local area. Sunlight fills our well-appointed community spaces, which glow with a natural warm palette. Inside you'll find an elegant community with private dining areas and plush seating. From a fitness class to a friendly game of cards, there’s always something happening at Merrill Gardens at Columbia.

Community Life

Inside Merrill Gardens at Columbia, you’ll find spacious private apartments with the room you need to live well. In the community, there are multiple areas for being creative, staying in shape, enjoying a movie, or spending some quiet time in a plush seat with a good book.

Columbia offers urban elegance, a friendly community, and a caring team dedicated to supporting an active and independent lifestyle for our residents.

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